Monday, March 25, 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019. Starting preparation for my AT hike.

March 25, 2019.

Great day for me in getting ready. Up to today I haven’t worked on my preparation for my hike. Today I went and bought food at Costcos. I called Dixon Low to ask him if I could stay with him and get a ride to my starting point on the trail.

I was very excited after setting that up with Dixon. It made me feel like I am really going to get back on the trail. 

Tonight I wrote in my blog for the first time in over 2 1/2 years. I am hoping this week to get most of my food and equipment ready. That would give me all next week to fine tune and do stuff in the yard and around the house, which need to be done.

In working on my Blog I am trying out using Apples pages program. When I hiked before pages didn't work on the iPad. It does now. It will make it much easier to write at night on pages at my camp sight, and then post when I am at a hotel with WiFi. It will be much easier than the blog posting app I had to use last time.

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