Sunday, June 30, 2019

Sat., June 22, 2019. Day 37/93. NH Route 25. Trail mileage 1793.1. Hikers Welcome Hostel.43.9865N71.8962W. 9.7 miles. 5 hrs 35 mins. 1.7 mph. 1,233.1 / 958.9 to go.

Much better day than yesterday, thank goodness. I got a good night sleep and woke ready to move forward. I was anxious to get to the hostel and civilization. 

As I started to clean up I found these little slugs on my tent and drop cloth. Fortunately, they didn’t get into the tent. They were very sticky and left a yellow slime when you flicked them off. When I got to the shelter I found two of them that had traveled with me on my ground cover. So, my great camping spot wasn’t quite perfect.

The day’s weather was much better. The streams in the trail were gone, but the bogs weren’t. So, my boots stayed wet.

I arrived early after noon and was able to shower and go into town for resupplies and food. I got a burrito which was yummy. I also bought my favorite Ding-Dongs which I shared. It was a good evening. Tomorrow after I hike Moosillauke Mountain I will do wash.

This is the kind of day that makes a difference in my AT miles. I get some miles in, get to a shelter, do what is needed, and hike the next day. All hikers talk about the number of zeros, meaning zero mile days, and near zero, very few miles. We try to avoid them like a sickness. It isn’t that you hike slow, it is if you stop, whether on the trail, or if you take zero, or near zero days.

It is a great hostel. They have 30 beds, most bunks. Not many people there now. Only 5 one night and 8 the next. I am ahead of the bubble. They also have people tent. They have had over 50 there. That would be tight with only one toilet, one shower, and one set of washing/drying machine. The toilet, washer, and shower are outside. See picture. I need to have my grand children stay here to see what roughing it is. But, it is wonderful after camping for several days. I had the entire upstairs of the bunk house to myself on the first day, and only one person the next. I spread out.

The caretakers were great. Buffalo and Mummum. They supplied a fitted sheet and pillow case. You used your sleeping bag for cover. Luck me, mine opens like a blanket. Towel and temp clothes were provided while you did your laundry. On the trail you have no extra clothes, including underwear. When it is time to wash you need to wash it all. See picture for temp clothing.

I wish I did a better job remembering all of the trail names and the people’s stories. It is very enjoyable to go to the store with them, sit around the table as you eat, and just visit before bed.


1. Outside shower, washer and dryer, sink for washing dishes, hands, and clean up, and toilet.
2. Temp clothes while I do laundry. I thought the Grandpa shirt fit me. Yes, it was to small. 
3. Me in mirror at clean up sink.

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