Tuesday, June 18, 2019

HOME. Monday, May 13, 2019 through Sunday, June 16, 2019. Off the trail.

I am headed back on the trail tomorrow, so this is a good time to add a post about my time off the trail. Much was done, but no miles were hiked. :-0. 

The first week home:  I worked around the house and yard. There was a lot to catch up on. The first thing was a full and half day of working on the sprinkler system. I had to replace two heads. One had tree roots growing around and through it. Another project I did was thin out the new fruit off our fruit trees. I removed about 4 pieces of fruit for everyone I left. The hope is that the remaining fruit grows to a good size. I checked them yesterday. the new fruit is twice the size when I picked it, and the trees are still loaded. Looking forward to peaches 
and nectarines.

I bought a new pair of boots that I can wear while here. The plan is to have them partial broken in. When my current boots wear out I will have Linda ship out these boots. They are Vasque brand, which is made by Red Wing shoes. They were recommended by a shoe repair store in Kaysville. They are like my current boots. They are 1/2 pound lighter, which is nice. I wore them all week while in Iowa.

Change in hike plan:  Tyler wants to hike with me the end of June in the White Mountains where Mount Washington is located. That is 600 miles north were I am now. After much research and analyzing and several different plans I decided on a plan that Border Line, the care taker of shelter 501, recommended to me. I would start about 100 miles south of Hanover, NH and then hike to Katahdin, the end of the AT. Hanover is the south point of the White Mountains. Then after reaching Katahdin I would Start hiking from 100 miles south of Hanover where I started and hike south to shelter 501.

That final leg is about 500 miles. I also hope I can start my new boots at that time. That last section is easier than the White Mountains and north. I was very excited about this plan because I would hike with Tyler, and I would be ahead of the bubble of thru hikers for 2019. So, it would be so crowded at the shelters. The down side is that I do not finish “my AT hike” at Katahdin, the traditional end. Oh well, I have and can be flexible with my AT hike.

Josh’s Graduation:  On Wednesday, May 22nd Linda and I headed to Des Moines, Iowa for our son-in-law graduation from medical school. It was very exciting. It seems like a year ago when we went to new student parent weekend. That was 4 years ago. It probably didn’t seem that fast to Josh and his family, but it sure did to me. While there we helped them pack up and touch up the walls of their rental apartment. They are headed to Texas to start his residence program which is 3 years long. He is specializing in family care. We got back to Layton on Monday, May 27nd. Josh’s parents, Larry and Lyn, were also there. It was good
to spend time with them.

After Josh’s graduation and celebration Lynlee had a dance recital. It was at the church. She did very good. She knew her steps and it appeared to me that she was one of the leaders of the group. She had a wonderful smile on while dancing.

Back home for a week:  When I got back I started working on getting some new equipment and getting my pack organized. I didn’t even unpack it before now.

I bought some Croc shoes to carry for after hiking at the end of the day. They feel great and weigh the same as what I have been carrying. I will also be able to strap them to the outside of the pack, making it easier to pack my pack every day. Maybe I will get quicker at loading up. I am always frustrated on how long it takes me to get cleaned up, packed, and on my way in the mornings. Others seem to be able to get going quicker. I haven’t figured out why. I think it is that their packs are bigger in volume.

I mended a hole in my backpack. It was at the bottom where it sits. the frame is also right at that point. I got a piece of material from a professional shop that said they could do it because it would have to be hand sewed. Sharlyn gave me advice on how to fix it. I cut the material, burned the corners that I rounded, glued in one, and then sewed it. I am sure it will last longer than the rest of the pack. I also sewed up one of the mouse holes in the belt pocket. I felt good about the work I did.

Doctor appointment: While on the AT trail I tripped and fell. I landed on my left shoulder. I had a couple days of heavy pain, nothing bad enough to stop me hiking. After that it was pain that was similar to my rotator cuff pain on my right shoulder. I figured when I cam home, which was about four weeks later I would get it checked out. On Wednesday, May 29th I went in and met with Blake McMillian, PA for Jeffery Sorensen. They took an xray. It didn’t look good. See picture below. I shows the ball of my upper left shoulder is a little out of the socket. Linda asked if I shouldn’t finish the trail. He was a hiker. I told him my thinking was to finish the AT and get surgery in September if needed. He said that sounded fine to him. That was good.-

MRI:  On Friday, May 31st, I got an MRI done. He had told us that he would get the results the next Tuesday and he would call us while we were on the road. We called him on Wednesday. He said that the shoulder should be operated on sooner than September. They couldn’t fit me in till July. He said it was okay if I went hiking again till then. I wanted to go back out because I had plans to hike with Tyler, my son, and his family.

This was a very sad day for me. It meant that I would never finish the AT. I know I will not make it back next year. There are just to many obstacles for me to over come. To be honest, I was close to tears.

Tyler’s change of command:  On Tuesday, June 4th we flew to Atlanta. We rented a car and started driving toward Panama City. Part way there we spent the night. She stayed at George Bagley State Park. It was okay, but old. The air conditioner didn’t work very good. Next time we will stay some where else.

We arrived at Tylers on Wednesday. We worked with them to pack up and get ready to move. It is fun to be park of our children’s lives. The change of command ceremony was exciting. It was very formal with military precision. When Tyler spoke he did an excellent job. Several of his leaders commented how well he is doing. I hope I can attend all of his advancements. Mindy’s parents, Morgan and Amy Schouten, were also there. It is always good to see the parents of our children’s spouses. They are good people. We enjoy being with them.

While we were on the road in Iowa Nathan and Sharlyn posted that their business was opening on June 17th. Since I was not in a rush to get back on the AT I decided to stay for one more week so I could go to there opening. I decided to go to Tyler, Texas with Linda to Help Josh and Cambria move in and paint the interior of their new home that they have already bought. Life has been busy while I have been home.

We left mid day on Saturday, June 8th. We drove back to Atlanta and spend the night at the West Inn airport. I was disappointed in the room. It was run down. The texture was coming off the ceiling from previous water damage. Furniture was old and needed replacing. It would have been okay if we paid less, and expected less.

Tyler, Texas:  On Sunday, June 9th we flew to Dallas, Texas. We didn’t think we were going to get on the flight because the load look bad. But we did. In fact we have done well on all of our standby flying these couple weeks. We have gotten on every flight we have tried to get on. It gives me hope about traveling non-rev. We rented a car and drove to Josh’s and Cambria’s. It was about a 2 hour drive. We were both surprised how green and pretty the country is in that part of Texas. We thought it would be desert like West Texas is.

We worked hard while there. We got a lot of painting done. About 40% of their home. There is still a lot of painting to do, but we at least help them get started. Josh starts his residency next Monday. That will leave the burden of painting on Cambria. If she still has some to do I maybe can go help in August if my shoulder had healed enough. Unfortunately, I didn’t get a picture of their new home to post.

We flew home on Saturday, June 15. I had paperwork to do to declare that my tenant had abandoned the office so that I could start renting it again. The people he worked with/for wanted the furniture back and will pick it up. That saves me the head ache of taking care of it. It isn’t expensive furniture so I am glad someone wants it.

Fathers Day:  Sunday, June 16 was Father’s Day. We went over to Nathans for a visit in the evening. They have been extremely busy getting the gym, their new business ready. It is exciting and stressful. They have had as many people sign up yet as they had hoped for. Our prayers are with them.

Gym Opens up: Nathan and Sharlyn’s new business official opened today. It is “The Obstacle Complex”. It is a Ninja & Canyoneering Gym. I am excited for them. Once I am recovered from my surgery I hope to be able to be involved with them.


1. Nathan and Ray assembling and painting new equipment for the gym.
2. New boots. ;-)
3. Pictures of graduation and visit to Josh’s and Cambria’s in Iowa.
4. Backpack repair.
5. X-ray of shoulder. Note space between ball and socket. Should be there.
6. Pictures of Tyler’s change of command ceremony and visit to Tyler’s and Mindy’s.

7. Flowers as we drove into driveway from visiting Tyler, Texas.

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