Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Tue., Jun. 7, 2016. Day 56, 2 miles up the hill toward Bald Knob from US Route 60 near Buena Vista, VA, 3.8 miles, 3 hours, 48 minutes, 2.1 mph, 808.1 / 1,359.9 to go.

Yesterday I decided to go home. I felt I shouldn't do any more damage to my feet. I may have already injured them permanently.
I hiked till I got phone reception with Elma at Three Springs Hostel. Marsha, her partner, was able to give me a shuttle ride to Charlottesville, VA. It cost me $118.00. I hiked back to Route 60, 2 miles, where Marsha picked me up. I spent the night there, and then flew home the next day.
When returning to Route 60 I passed Bear. I offered him my Shipment of food that Marsha was binging. He accepted. He came back to Route 60 where I gave him 6 days of food. I had a box shipped to Three Springs Hostile.

Friday, June 10, 2016

Fri., Jun 10, 2016. Home.

This is my last blog. Due to problems with my feet I have come home. I will not go back to the trail.
Thanks for the interest you have showed in reading my blog.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mon., Jun. 6, 2016. Day 55, Brown Mountain win Creek Shelter, 18.3 miles, 9 hours, 25 minutes, 1.95 mph, 804.3 / 1,363.7 to go.

New trail names: Banana Pants. Rattle Be. I Walk. Pancake. Fern. Liverpool.
There are rattle snakes out here. I saw a video from a hiker where one was on the trail. One hiker, Beast, with his hiking poles pinned down it's head. Then pick it up by it's tail and carried it off the trail.
Slow today. Relaxed and enjoyed the pace. I had to stop 3 times to work on shoes, actually more than that. I had one large mountain to climb first thing. It was actually enjoyable as I had the energy and it was in the cool of the morning.
Looking back at the James River and foot bridge across it. Part way up the mountain.
On top of Bluff Mountain I found this memorial. I guess there use to be a community by. I can't even figure out how a young child got up so high on this mountain.
Look what I found on the side of the trail!
800 miles. The last 100 miles took only 6 days. That is good. At 100 miles a week it will be 22 weeks to hike the trail, just over five months.
Boy, I stink from hiking for four days without a shower.
The humid is impossible. Three days ago my pare of hiking shorts got completely wet from my sweat. I have been trying to dry them out for three days. They won't dry! Nothing dries out. When you go to bed your underclothes are wet and clammy. You wake up they are still wet. Your pants and shirt are still as wet as the day before when you took them off. It is one of the yucky things of the trail. The only way to get anything dry is to put it in the dryer.
A picture says it all.
This a real live lizard, not a toy, or candy.
A clever place to hang my bear bag. I hung it every night. A pain to do.
A huge tree fell across the creek and trail. The leaves are still fresh and green. A challenge to get through.
Here is where I am. 1/3 done.
Another trail friendly town. All of the towns along the trail promotes for the hikers to come in. This sign was on US Route 60.

Sun., Jun. 5, 2016. Day 54, Johns Hollow Shelter, 17.5 miles, 7 hours, 40 minutes, 2.27 mph, 786.0 / 1,382 to go.

New trail names: Badjer. He is an Eagle Scout. He saw my scout belt which started our conversation. I have met several Eagle Scouts.
The Dawn. Bullet.
Bear Claw. He carried a very large knife on his built. He was a little scary.
Scorpion. A young lady. Slept in a hammock. Her husband is in the Navy, so she is out here hiking.
The trails were a much better grade today. I had to climb only one mountain and the grades up it weren't to bad.
I crossed the James River. It has the longest foot only bridge on the AT.
Pretty uneventful day. Good weather, and good hiking.

Sat., Jun. 4, 2016. Day 53, Apple Orchard Mountain, 18.7 miles, 10 hours, 15 minutes, 1.82 mph, 768.5 / 1,399.5 to go.

No new trail names. I think this is the only day I haven't meet someone new.
Last night I loved it as I was by myself. This morning a fawn deer walked right into my camp area. We looked at each other for a few seconds. I then went on getting ready. It walked in closer, within 10 feet. It then gradually walked away.
Today was another tough day. I had to climb three big mountains. That is why my pace is below 2 mph. I climbed about 5,000 feet in elevation.
Apple Orchard Mountain is the highest point on the AT between Chestnut Knob and Mt. Moosilauke in New Hampshire. It was not a good place to be last night. On top of the mountain is a retired USAF Radar Station. The large radar dome is still there, but no person was there.
I set up my tent on the edge of the field near the trees and wire fence. We got another sever thunderstorm. I was worried I would be hit by lighting, my stakes being pulled out of the ground, or my tent leaking. The lighting and thunder were fierce, the wind strong, and the rain like buckets of water. For an hour I just hunkered down and prayed. All turned out okay, thank goodness. My tent did great. I wasn't sure it would make it. I text Linda as it happened and when the danger was over. She didn't text anything back so I figured she didn't read them till the next day. I just wanted to let someone know what happened if I got hit by lighting. It was a real possibility for a over half an hour. I could hear it as it moved right over my head. It was raining and blowing so hard I didn't even dare stick my head out.
One of the yucky things on the AT is being the first on one the trail in the morning. There are webs that have formed during the night. They are to fine to see. You hit them right in the face. There are hundreds. You are always glad when they disappear as you know someone else has already been there from a different camp area down the trail.
Pictures do not convey the beauty.

Fri., Jun 3, 2016. Day 52, Tentsite at mileage 749.8, 22.3 miles, 10 hours, 15 minutes, 2.18 mph, 749.8 / 1,418.2 to go.

New trail names: Teton.
Lot of miles, but that is okay after a zero day. I ended up all by myself in a secluded campsite. I even walked by it for .2 miles when I checked my GPS to find it. That sucked hiking .4 of a mile extra after already hiking over 22 miles.
My own secluded campsite. It was wonderful to be by myself.
Look who I found sitting in the trail. I saw another doing the same thing down the trail.
Maybe trying to get out of the wet grass.
It was great camping by myself. Little concerned with bears though. A shelter down the trail is closed because of bear activity. No problems occurred.
This afternoon a very large thunderstorm went over. I pulled out my ground cover for my tent. I found a good rock to sit on. I put my pack next to me and pulled the ground cover over me. I stayed there for one hour as it went over. I even fell asleep for a few minutes. I stayed dry. I felt very good about being able to hand the situation.
I mentioned the bug bites I have gotten. Since mosquitos are out I am not sure what they are. They welt up larger than a mosquito bite, and create a white head like a pimple. A local told me they look like chigger bites. I just wish they would stop itching. I am putting Benadryl on like lotion, all over. Do you think that anti-itching cream really works? You couldn't prove it by my :-).
Seeing a lot of frogs.
Passing through a farm. The beauty is wonderful.
This is a wonderful world, and Virginia is a special part of it.

SUMMARY for May 24 through June 2, 2016. Bland, VA to Daleville, VA. 727.5 / 1,440.5 to go.

I have been back on the trail for two weeks. I'm much tougher than when I first came back. I may not climb the mountains any faster, but they are easier to climb.
There are not as many people on the trail. That is nice.
I saw a bear. I heard him first as he was running from the trail to get away. Everyone wants to see a bear. They are around, but are not a problem.
I sent home about 5 pounds net in equipment. I sent home my rain equipment and sleeping bag. I bought a sleeping bag liner. I have used it a couple nights and it is working. The best thing is that everything now fits into my pack, including my food. It carries easier without the extra pouch strapped on the back.
It is good to be back.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Sun., May 29, 2016, Day 47, Craig Creek, 14.1 miles, 6 hours 20 minutes, 2.22 mph, 686.7 miles / 1,481.3 to go.

I got every thing packed inside my back pack. It felt great not having the food bag on the out side.
Slice invited me to the trail magic his parents were putting on. They were located 3 miles down the trail. They arrived at 10 am as planned. I got there at 9:30 am. I planned it that way. I took a hour and half break. It was great to meet them. They had the best trail magic I have had yet. She had even made some pasta salad. His mother is Sophie and father is Ralph. Very nice people. Seemed to have a very good family's. Three children, all adults.
Slice on right. His parents standing. Rain Deer sitting on left. Google and Little Foot with backs to us.
Google and Little Foot camped at the same location I did. They celebrate their second anniversary on May 31st.
This dragon fly sat on my knee for over a minute.
Can you say itch. While hiking my bites do not itch. But at night they drive me crazy. I have had some bleed from my itching.
I missed not going to church and taking the sacrament. I do not know how to reconcile it?
Neat, the eastern continental divide.
Good size turtle. About 1 foot long.
Tough hiking along the side of the rocks.

Thur., Jun 2, 2016. Day 51, Daleville, VA. Zero day. 0 miles, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 mph, 727.5 / 1,440.5 to go.

As always, a very busy day. Wifi was poor, and I didn't have a library to go to. Hopefully I can get my blog uploaded.
I bought a sleeping bag liner, and sent my sleeping bag home. That saves me space and 2 1/2 pounds. Yay.
I also sent my old shoes home. Still hopeful for my new ones. I have 30 days to return them. I figure I will try them for another week, then order some Brooks if these don't work.
I bought some superfoots. They are like my orthotics. I have 60 days to try them. So my search goes on to fix my feet problems.

Wed. , Jun. 1, 2016. Day 50, Daleville, VA, 25.8 miles, 10 hours, 50 minutes, 2.39 mph, 727.5 / 1,440.5 to go.

Today I slacked pack. That means that I had my pack shuttled to my destination. I carried a little day pack with water and lunch. I did more miles than I would with a pack. I didn't speed up any, but wasn't as tired at the end of the hike.
Since I was wearing trailer runners I decided to run when going down hill. It went well. I tripped and fell once. Fortunately, no major damage. Couple small cuts on my palm and wrist. A scratch on my face, which didn't bleed. See picture.
I shared a room with Crusher. He also slacked pack with me.
Crusher. Nice and sharp young man.
I met a lot of sharp young people who had just graduated that were hiking the trail before starting their careers.
McAfee Knob - The prettiest view of Virginia
Tinker Cliffs. Let's repel
We let another hiker, Beast, who couldn't afford a room stay with us. It worked out okay, but I do prefer being by myself.
Roanoke in background.

Tue., May 31, 2016. Day 49, Four Pines Hostel, Catawba, VA, Zero Day, 0 miles, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 0 mph, 701.7 miles / 1,466.3 to go.

New trail names: Rider.
I am being forced to take a zero day because some new shoes are being shipped here. My mistake. I should have them shipped to Daleville which is two days out. Oh well.
This place is pretty bad. They have made a 3 car garage into a big open area. There are a lot of old couches. There is one bathroom with a shower for over 50 people. One guy, Eddie, is a shuttle driver and maintainer of the hostel. He is very busy. He also does your laundry if he has time. I will be glad to move on. Everyone is friendly and understanding. Went to the gas station, min mart. Got a quart of milk. Left in fridge. Someone drank part of it. I guess they figured it was there for their use. Hope they don't have any sickness I get.
I put up my tent rather than stay in the garage "hostel".
This is a great example of an experience of the trail. Though I would never come to a place like this it is neat to be part of it. There are all kind of people here. For example there is a nice female couple. I met them earlier on the trail. Elway and Wonder Mouse. They are married. I had a conversation with them about this years election, and even touch a little on religion. Wonder Mouse was raised Mormon. She had a necklace from here grandmother which had a hand holding an iron rod.
Lets you get many different views of our world.

Mon., Memorial Day. May 30, 2016, Day 48, VA Route 624, Four Pines Hostel, Catawba, VA, 15.0 miles, 7 hours, 50 minutes, 1.92 mph, 701.7 miles / 1,466.3 to go.

Ypee, another 100 miles down. Heck, that is a lot of hiking! I did it in six days. Unfortunately, I have to take a zero day here tomorrow while I wait for some new boots to be delivered. Therefore, I am still at 100 miles per week.
New trail names: Kowabunga. His real name is Richard Banton. He is interested about being an airline pilot.
Another tough day. A lot of rock climbing today. It was the most technical part of the trail so far. There were some installed ladder rungs because you couldn't get past the area without them.
I came across a memorial for Aidie Murphy. Very special that it happened on Memorial Day. I will let you read about him on the plaque. It was located on top of a mountain. The only way to get to it was the AT.
Audie Murphy memorial on the AT
Came across the most technical part of the trail yet. They were ladders put into the Rock so you could get down.
See the blazes on the rock. Very steep. Put in ladders in several places.