Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Mon., Jun. 6, 2016. Day 55, Brown Mountain win Creek Shelter, 18.3 miles, 9 hours, 25 minutes, 1.95 mph, 804.3 / 1,363.7 to go.

New trail names: Banana Pants. Rattle Be. I Walk. Pancake. Fern. Liverpool.
There are rattle snakes out here. I saw a video from a hiker where one was on the trail. One hiker, Beast, with his hiking poles pinned down it's head. Then pick it up by it's tail and carried it off the trail.
Slow today. Relaxed and enjoyed the pace. I had to stop 3 times to work on shoes, actually more than that. I had one large mountain to climb first thing. It was actually enjoyable as I had the energy and it was in the cool of the morning.
Looking back at the James River and foot bridge across it. Part way up the mountain.
On top of Bluff Mountain I found this memorial. I guess there use to be a community by. I can't even figure out how a young child got up so high on this mountain.
Look what I found on the side of the trail!
800 miles. The last 100 miles took only 6 days. That is good. At 100 miles a week it will be 22 weeks to hike the trail, just over five months.
Boy, I stink from hiking for four days without a shower.
The humid is impossible. Three days ago my pare of hiking shorts got completely wet from my sweat. I have been trying to dry them out for three days. They won't dry! Nothing dries out. When you go to bed your underclothes are wet and clammy. You wake up they are still wet. Your pants and shirt are still as wet as the day before when you took them off. It is one of the yucky things of the trail. The only way to get anything dry is to put it in the dryer.
A picture says it all.
This a real live lizard, not a toy, or candy.
A clever place to hang my bear bag. I hung it every night. A pain to do.
A huge tree fell across the creek and trail. The leaves are still fresh and green. A challenge to get through.
Here is where I am. 1/3 done.
Another trail friendly town. All of the towns along the trail promotes for the hikers to come in. This sign was on US Route 60.

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