Wednesday, June 8, 2016

SUMMARY for May 24 through June 2, 2016. Bland, VA to Daleville, VA. 727.5 / 1,440.5 to go.

I have been back on the trail for two weeks. I'm much tougher than when I first came back. I may not climb the mountains any faster, but they are easier to climb.
There are not as many people on the trail. That is nice.
I saw a bear. I heard him first as he was running from the trail to get away. Everyone wants to see a bear. They are around, but are not a problem.
I sent home about 5 pounds net in equipment. I sent home my rain equipment and sleeping bag. I bought a sleeping bag liner. I have used it a couple nights and it is working. The best thing is that everything now fits into my pack, including my food. It carries easier without the extra pouch strapped on the back.
It is good to be back.

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