Thursday, June 2, 2016

Fri., May 27, 2016, Day 45, The Captain's Place, 20.4 miles, 9 hours 0 minutes, 2.27 mph, 655.3 miles / 1,512.7 to go.

New trail names: Reindeer, Captain, Tortuga, Big Bird, Trippy, Shaky.
Trippy and Shaky are college students and are hiking for one to two months. Seem like nice kids. Trippy has graduated and is starting to work on her doctorates as a veterinarian.
A tough day that started to late. I didn't leave the hotel till a little after 8 am. A lot of climbing today. The distance and time doesn't always tell the whole store. I climbed over 4,500 feet, yet the difference in the beginning and ending elevation are only 793 feet. In other words, a lot of up and downs. Some very steep grades. Those do me in climbing and descending. Hard on cardio going up. Hard on joints, feet, and rest of body going down.
It is getting warmer, which means more sweating.
I was planning on staying at a shelter, but then heard about "The Captain's Place". They where having a fish fry and Memorial weekend party. He allows you to camp in his yard any time. You use a zip line to cross the river that is between the AT and his property. It is a beautiful location right on a small river.
It was fun to visit and then have a fish from their local river. They were rainbow trout. It was very good.
There are probably over 100 people here. Probably close to 50 tents. The Captain, Michael, has his three sisters visiting. I got to talk with them as well. I spent most of the time talking with Big Bird. He is a retired Air Force helicopter pilot. He lives in the pan handle of Florida. He and his wife own and run a couple assisted living homes.
It reminds me of sixties hippie parties with all of the young people. Fortunately, I didn't see a lot of drugs, and not to much drinking. Pretty good party. Died down pretty early, 9 pm. Down camp fire visiting.
Big Bird
My tent is the first grey one on the right.
Trippy, Shaky, Google, and Little Foot.
I camped with Google and Little Foot a couple nights later. They are celebrating their second anniversary on May 31.

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