Thursday, May 26, 2016

Thur., May 26, 2016, Day 44, Pearisburg, VA cemetery, 5.4 miles, 2.08 mph, 634.9 miles / 1,533.1 to go.

Short hike today into Pearisburg, VA. I got there about 9 am. Had plenty to do.
On the trail I saw a new color of flower. I believe it is still a Rhododendron.
Very Pretty
Here is a view from Angels Rest above Pearisburg.
Today I sent home over 3 pounds of clothes. My rain coat and pants. I bought a poncho. I died from heat when I wore them. My camp slippers. I don't need them now with my trail shoes rather than boots. My fishing shirt. Got another under armor light weight shirt. Also my leg extensions for my hiking pants. Only shorts now. I might get some of them sent back in the fall. I am excited about the lighter weight and more room in my pack.
I also ordered some new shoes. Same company, different style. Thicker and more cushioned sole. I also bought some Dr. Schoals heel pads. Hope they help till I get my new shoes.

Wed., May 25, 2016, Day 43, Power lines 5.5 miles south of Pearisburg, VA, 19.0 miles, 2.28 mph, 629.5 miles / 1,538.5 to go.

New trail names: Beast. Burnham, Dragon A__.
Another day. Starting to feel warm. By the end of 19 miles I was very tired and my heel really hurting. The day before, at Dismal Creek, I was able to soak my feet in the ice cold water which made them feel better, and invigorated me. Unfortunately, not today.
I was hoping to not put up my tent tonight and sleep under the stars. No such luck. The bugs are out and pesty. I needed my escape from them.
Tonight I camped on top of a hill. Beautiful view.
View from where I camped.
Today as I was walking down the trail I looked up and there stood a full size doe deer. I think we both saw each other at the same time. We both froze. After about 15 seconds she bounded off into the woods. I am seeing a lot of deer tracks on the trail. It was exciting.
Shoes still hurting my heels.
In Virgina I am seeing many of these survey marks.

Tue., May 24, 2016, Day 42, campsite near Dismal Creek, 20.6 miles, 9 hours 5 minutes, 2.26 mph, 610.5 / 1,557.5 to go.

Found something on the trail that was exciting.
600 hundred miles hiked from Stringer Mountain, the start of the AT!
It is day 42. That is keeping to 100 miles a week. I would like to do a little better. Say about 115 per week. Trying to do near zero days, and not full zero days will help increase my weekly distance.
New trail names: Hazel Nut. Slice. Brother Blood.
I have noticed that there are many women on the trail. Most hiking by themselves. It surprise me a little, but I know it shouldn't. Just like the men they range from college age to their sixties.
Nice Sunny Day
Crossing Dismal Creek
The weather was nicer, no rain. It is still cool enough that when I go down hill I do not sweat. I can feel that the hot humid weather is right around the corner.
Today I saw hundreds of small caterpillars. Many were hanging down on silk lines. I was running into them all day. Kind of yucky. In a couple weeks I might see hundred of butterflies.
Here are some of the animals I am seeing.
Caterpillar, about 2" long
One hanging right in my face.
How about a green one?
Oops, a snake on the trail. About 1 1/2 foot long. Pretty small.
These are all over. Most are just a reddish color. This guy is more colorful.
More common color.

SUMMARY for May 18, 2016 to May 23, 2016. 500 mile mark to Bland, VA. 589.9 miles / 1,578.1 to go.

Over a fourth of the way. Ypee.
It is good to be back on the trail. It was like the first week when I started. A pretty tough week as I am toughing up. It was hard to do nearly 20 miles in a day. Easier toward the end of the week.
It was great to get a personal answer to prayer. Read May 20th.
My new shoes fixed my toe problem, but have created a new problem. My left heel starts hurting after hiking on it for a couple hours. I am working on it. Hope I can figure it out. It slows me down.

Mon., May 23, 2016, Day 41, US Route 52, Bland, VA, 7 miles, 2 hours 8 minutes, 3.33 mph, 589.9 / 1,578.1 to go.

A perfect day of hiking. All of the trails, up and down, had good grades. They were not muddy. My entire body felt good as I started out. My heel started hurting after 1 1/2 hours. It was great and I am excited about the pace I made.
It was great to be in Bland. Nice hotel, but simple. Didn't have a laundry. There wasn't even a laundromat in town. This is how I did my laundry.
Laundry room at the Big Walker Hotel in Bland, VA
New trail names: None today.

Sun., May 22, 2016, Day 40, Laurel Creek, 21.0 miles, 9 hours 15 minutes, 2.27 mph, 582.9 / 1,585.1 to go.

A tough day. Fifth day on the trail. 21 miles took its tole. My feet are hurting. They swelled today. My left heel is hurting a lot. I have to figure it out.
I did 21 miles today so I would be close to Bland. Bland is 7 miles away. I want to get there early to maximize my near zero day.
New trail names: Bighorn. Dolcel (lady) it is a musical instrument.
I am in my tent. It has started to rain. I have been lucky the last two days. I had my tent set up before it started raining. It wasn't raining when I took it down this morning. Hope it stops tonight.
Good camp area. Lot of hikers. Many are going to Bland tomorrow.
I missed not being in church today.
Laurel Creek
I soaked my feet in the creek. Heaven!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Sat., May 21, 2016, Day 39, Lick Creek, 18.1 miles, 7 hours 40 minutes, 2.36 mph, 561.9 hiked / 1,606.1 to go.

Look at what I ran into on the trail today!
Wow, a quarter of the way. I know I have a long way to go, but I feel good about making it this far.
New trail names: Motrin. Topo. Hops. Uncle.
Joules. (Lady). She is hiking the AT for a second time. She has also hiked the PCT, Pacific Crest Trail. She is German and very interesting. She lives in Northern California off the grid as she describes it. Self maintaining with her husband and three children. Even grows their own grains. She is 63 years old. I beat her out for the candy bar at the baptist hiker feed in Troutdale (see a couple days earlier). She camped at lick Creek when I did. I also saw her in Bland. She is having a tough time with her feet. She uses sandals to hike. She was having some problems. She let a shoes sale man talk her into using some shoes. She really had problems the with blisters and a stress fracture. She is back to sandals. She is in a lot of pain.
Sunshine. Moonshine. Two young ladies. From Boston. Graduated from college. Camped at Lick Creek and Laurel Creek when I did. Both have graduated from college. One is going to try and go to medical school. At Lick Creek I got there before the rain started. The other two groups didn't. I was lucky. I offered to help them, but they turned me down.
Close to home.
Lick Creek. Soaked my feet. Felt so good!
I am in my tent and loving it as it is raining. I do hope it stops before I have to take it down in the morning. It is neat to sleep in a tent when it is raining on it. Very cozy.
Body is a funny thing. A couple days ago at the baptist feed when I went to sleep my right knee hurt. In the middle of the night I woke up and my left knee hurt. When I woke in the morning, neither knee hurt. Lucky me.

Fri., May 20, 2016, Day 38, US Route 11, Relax Inn, 11.6 miles, 4 hours 45 minutes, 2.44 mph, 543.8 hiked / 1,624.2 to go.

Here is a story I debated wether to add or not. But, I decided to for my grandchildren. I want them to know that grown ups get answers to prays just like they do when they pray to find something they have lost.
For you scoffers, shame on you.
I believe that our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ can do pretty much what they want to with our lives, but often do not.
On Friday night, the 20th, my left shoulder was in great pain. I have had problems with that shoulder for a year or so. Probably a partially torn rotator cuff muscle. Usually just a little irritation. It had bothered me more when I had been home. It was in so much pain in the evening I could hardly pick up a drink. In the morning I had to put my pack on a table to put it on. All day long it hurt if I let my left arm hang down. I had to hold up my arm by putting a thumb under my pack shoulder strap. As I hiked I prayed that the pain could be lessened so I could keep hiking. I was afraid I would have to go home, it was that bad. When I got to the Relax Inn where I was staying to avoid the rain that night I took off my pack. Within a couple minutes I realized that I didn't have any pain in my shoulder. Amazing. The problem isn't gone, but very little irritation. No problem putting my back pack on, or lifting something.
I do not know why I was granted my prayer. It could have been just because I asked. It could have been an answer that it was okay for me to hike the Appalachian trail. It could been so I could testify to my children and grandchildren that Papa knows God does listen and answers prays. It could of been because my family with my grandchildren were praying for me. What ever the reason I am glad I got my answer. That was several days ago and I am still feeling no pian in my left shoulder.
New trail names: Catapult (lady). Her name is Kate. On the first couple days on the trail she trip and couldn't catcher self. She got called catapult.
Cinderella (man). He had some shoes tied on the back of his backpack. One fell of. It got returned to him and it was a perfect fit, thus Cinderella.
Grandma. (Man). Hiking partner with Cinderella. He knits, thus grandma.
Jacob. Real name.
Rain Drops (lady). A thru hiker headed south bound. She started last year and then had to stop for school. She will still get done in 12 months (1 year).
Squirrel Sheriff. Was maintaining trail Has been doing it for 20 years. He finished hiking the trail in 6 sections in 1996.
Rockfish. Also maintaining the trail. Didn't hike the entire trail due to cancer.
Pink Panther. (Lady). Older. Very slow, but very cheerful. Name given to her by her grandchildren.
Scooter. Hiking with Pink Panther. Also very old. I am very impressed with both of them. Just the camping is difficult, let alone the hiking.
Wind Walker.
Tom. Real name.
Ivan. Real name.
Double Time. I met him while doing laundry at Relax Inn. We went to dinner together. He is a retired Marine. He was a Major Sargent. He has been single all his life. He has a girl friend that is meeting him at different locations on the trail. He is lonely and would like to be married. He shared an experience that he said he hadn't shared with anyone else. One of the assignments he had in his career was to go tell parents that their marine had died. He got very emotional. He got so choked up he couldn't continue for a moment. He said he had to do 8 families. It was very hard. One thing he would do that helped was when he went back couple days after he told them to do the paperwork he would always get them to laugh a little.
It is very interesting to interact with people out here. Linda would love interacting.
1894 single room school house. 1st through 7th grade taught here. They had trail magic for us. I had a grape pop and granola bar.

Thursday., May 19, 2016, Day 37, Partnership Shelter, 13.9 miles, 5 hours 20 minutes, 2.6 mph, 532.2 hiked / 1,635.8 to go.

New trail names: Wonder Mouse (lady), Elwood (lady), Donut, Honey Badger, Rob (probably real name), Bigger Spoon, Double Goose, Little Red (Lady with red hair), Barnum, Sunny (always sunny in Philadelphia).
Big guy. About 1 1/2 feet long. Was under a rocket in a fish tank. Can you see it's face?
What kind of flower? It is the state flower of West Virginia. A lot of them in the Appalachian Mountains.
Rhododendron. Did you get it right?
Good trail today. Feet are still doing good. I ordered pizza at the shelter. Pizza Hut. I order a large. Will have it for breakfast. This is unique to be able to order something from the shelter. I had to experience it.:-).
My clothes are still wet from yesterday. I'm not sure they will get dry till I wear them, or wash and dry them.
There are a lot of the people at the shelter. My concern about to many people may be coming to past. There are more people this time on the trail than last time. I think it has to do with that it being right after Trails Days in Damascus.

Wed., May 18, 2016, Day 36, Dickey Gap, VA 650, 18.1 miles, 7 hours 15 minutes, 2.5 mph, 518.3 hiked / 1,649.7 to go.

My friend, Mark, told me I needed to make notes during the day of what to put in my blog. I told him it slowed me down to stop and write. My daughter, Cambria, taught me how to use notes on my phone with the mike. I figured I could walk and talk. I noted all of the trail names I heard today. I think it is going to work well.
New trail names: Rumble Junk, Thor, Athena (fiancé of Thor), Food Bag (said he eats a lot), Wrong Way, Payday, Bare Foot, marsh mellow, blue, and marmalade. You are immediately accepted as a close friend. It is neat.
The morning started great. Randy drove me up to Massey Gap / Grayson Highlands State Park which is 500.1 miles on the trail. That is where I ended on the trail.
I was full of hope with my new shoes. I am very happy to say they are great, so far. I will make the final judgement in a week. My middle toes on my left foot felt normal, no pain. When I was home and wore other shoes with smaller toe boxes I would feel those toes. I explained it as cauliflower toes, like a boxer would have a cauliflower ear. I didn't get any blisters today, as far as I could see. I expected some. The bottom of my feet started to feel sore after 3 1/2 hours. I expected this. They got more sore, but no worse than I expected. I was very happy with my new shoes after hiking18 miles, and over 7 hours.
With the leaves out, it is much prettier.
Most of the day the weather was great. I was trying to get to my camp sight before it started to rain. I didn't make it. About 30 minutes before getting to Dickey's camp sight it started to rain. I decided to push on and not take time to put on my rain equipment. I figured it wouldn't rain that hard. I was wrong. By the time I got to the camp I was soaking wet. I was also hoping my backpack was water proof as they advertised. When I got there a young man was telling everyone about a hostel down the road in Troutdale, VA. The baptist church puts this event on once a year 3 days after Trails Days in Damascus. Trails days in Damascus is a big event. I got there 2 days after it. I was glad I missed the crowds.😉 I was lucking to be here at the right time. They had hamburgers, hot dogs, many side dish, many deserts, and even ice cream. Just like a ward dinner. There were over 60 hikers there. I am sleeping under their pavilion where they fed us. I also got a shower and put on dry clothes. Some times life is perfect. This was one of those times.
Here is the BIG ITEM. They asked some different qualifications and gave a snicker bar for who won. I won one of the categories! Guess which one? It wasn't who was the furthest from home. There was a girl who was from New Zealand. I won the oldest! The next oldest was 63. The person who was 63 is hiking the AT a second time. It was a woman and hiking by herself. Joules was her name. I met up with her later. I will tell you more about her.
After dinner Ken, the pastor spoke to us for about 1/2 an hour. Spoke about finding Christ. He used some different terms like the voice of creation rather than the Spirit of Christ. He did a good job. I talked to him and told him I enjoyed his words, he appreciated me saying that. Later down the trail several people I talked with didn't appreciate his sermon. Come on, what do expect?😐 All the food you can eat, a place out of the rain to sleep. Of course you are going to get a sermon. Take it, and listen.
Rainbow at the baptist feed.
Over 60 hikers. Great place to get out of the rain and get feed.
Baptist church in Troutdale, VA
It is great to be back. I am meeting new people. I am sure I will start to camping with some of them.

Mon., May 16, 2016, Home, getting ready and traveling to Tri-Cities Airport.

Posted out of date order. Sorry.
I had to stay home through Monday so I could go to the doctors. I finished packing my food and pack. Linda drove me to the airport at 9 pm. Linda was very helpful. I wouldn't have got ready in time without her help.
My pack weighed 23.3 pounds without fuel, 1 lb., water, 3 lbs., and food, 10 lbs. When I am ready to put on my backpack I expect it to weigh a total of 37 to 38 pounds. That is 21% of my body weight using 180 pounds. I am happy with that. My only concern is my left shoulder. It hurts to put on my backpack. Once on, it doesn't hurt.
The flights were wide open. The planes were only 1/2 full. Both to ATL and TRI. In SLC I was number 24 on the standby list. Before I retired I would have been number 1. This non rev when retired sucks.
I am excited to be going back to the trail. I am not completely sure I should go back. I guess I have butterflies. Time will tell.. I am also concerned that my toughness that I built up has all melted away. I am afraid I will have to go through blisters and soreness again. Time on the trail will tell!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tue., May 17, 2016. Travel from SLC to Damascus, VA. O miles.

It was raining hard when I arrived. I decided to spend the day at the Woodchuck Hostel in Damascus, and start hiking on the 18th. It appears that it is going to rain all day. I will start counting my days on the trail tomorrow, and consider this day a travel day.
It is later in the afternoon now. Weather is much better. I think I should have hiked. Ooh well, I am enjoying Damascus. I even spent a couple hours on Facebook figuring it out.
Wow, I just noticed that there has been a real change since I was here a month ago. It has been a whole month since I was here. I left on April 15th. The leaves are out in full force. Much different than before. It will be more beautiful. Such a change!