Monday, May 23, 2016

Thursday., May 19, 2016, Day 37, Partnership Shelter, 13.9 miles, 5 hours 20 minutes, 2.6 mph, 532.2 hiked / 1,635.8 to go.

New trail names: Wonder Mouse (lady), Elwood (lady), Donut, Honey Badger, Rob (probably real name), Bigger Spoon, Double Goose, Little Red (Lady with red hair), Barnum, Sunny (always sunny in Philadelphia).
Big guy. About 1 1/2 feet long. Was under a rocket in a fish tank. Can you see it's face?
What kind of flower? It is the state flower of West Virginia. A lot of them in the Appalachian Mountains.
Rhododendron. Did you get it right?
Good trail today. Feet are still doing good. I ordered pizza at the shelter. Pizza Hut. I order a large. Will have it for breakfast. This is unique to be able to order something from the shelter. I had to experience it.:-).
My clothes are still wet from yesterday. I'm not sure they will get dry till I wear them, or wash and dry them.
There are a lot of the people at the shelter. My concern about to many people may be coming to past. There are more people this time on the trail than last time. I think it has to do with that it being right after Trails Days in Damascus.

1 comment:

  1. I thought it was an Azalea, close to a Rhododendron. You might want to put the State you are in, just in case people don't know where "Partnership" and other fancy locations are.
