Monday, May 23, 2016

Fri., May 20, 2016, Day 38, US Route 11, Relax Inn, 11.6 miles, 4 hours 45 minutes, 2.44 mph, 543.8 hiked / 1,624.2 to go.

Here is a story I debated wether to add or not. But, I decided to for my grandchildren. I want them to know that grown ups get answers to prays just like they do when they pray to find something they have lost.
For you scoffers, shame on you.
I believe that our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ can do pretty much what they want to with our lives, but often do not.
On Friday night, the 20th, my left shoulder was in great pain. I have had problems with that shoulder for a year or so. Probably a partially torn rotator cuff muscle. Usually just a little irritation. It had bothered me more when I had been home. It was in so much pain in the evening I could hardly pick up a drink. In the morning I had to put my pack on a table to put it on. All day long it hurt if I let my left arm hang down. I had to hold up my arm by putting a thumb under my pack shoulder strap. As I hiked I prayed that the pain could be lessened so I could keep hiking. I was afraid I would have to go home, it was that bad. When I got to the Relax Inn where I was staying to avoid the rain that night I took off my pack. Within a couple minutes I realized that I didn't have any pain in my shoulder. Amazing. The problem isn't gone, but very little irritation. No problem putting my back pack on, or lifting something.
I do not know why I was granted my prayer. It could have been just because I asked. It could have been an answer that it was okay for me to hike the Appalachian trail. It could been so I could testify to my children and grandchildren that Papa knows God does listen and answers prays. It could of been because my family with my grandchildren were praying for me. What ever the reason I am glad I got my answer. That was several days ago and I am still feeling no pian in my left shoulder.
New trail names: Catapult (lady). Her name is Kate. On the first couple days on the trail she trip and couldn't catcher self. She got called catapult.
Cinderella (man). He had some shoes tied on the back of his backpack. One fell of. It got returned to him and it was a perfect fit, thus Cinderella.
Grandma. (Man). Hiking partner with Cinderella. He knits, thus grandma.
Jacob. Real name.
Rain Drops (lady). A thru hiker headed south bound. She started last year and then had to stop for school. She will still get done in 12 months (1 year).
Squirrel Sheriff. Was maintaining trail Has been doing it for 20 years. He finished hiking the trail in 6 sections in 1996.
Rockfish. Also maintaining the trail. Didn't hike the entire trail due to cancer.
Pink Panther. (Lady). Older. Very slow, but very cheerful. Name given to her by her grandchildren.
Scooter. Hiking with Pink Panther. Also very old. I am very impressed with both of them. Just the camping is difficult, let alone the hiking.
Wind Walker.
Tom. Real name.
Ivan. Real name.
Double Time. I met him while doing laundry at Relax Inn. We went to dinner together. He is a retired Marine. He was a Major Sargent. He has been single all his life. He has a girl friend that is meeting him at different locations on the trail. He is lonely and would like to be married. He shared an experience that he said he hadn't shared with anyone else. One of the assignments he had in his career was to go tell parents that their marine had died. He got very emotional. He got so choked up he couldn't continue for a moment. He said he had to do 8 families. It was very hard. One thing he would do that helped was when he went back couple days after he told them to do the paperwork he would always get them to laugh a little.
It is very interesting to interact with people out here. Linda would love interacting.
1894 single room school house. 1st through 7th grade taught here. They had trail magic for us. I had a grape pop and granola bar.


  1. Was Catapult (kate) from New Zeland? I met a young hiker in Hanover NH August 20, 2016 that was named Catapult. We wondered how she was doing and if she made it to Katadin. Tootsie

  2. Sorry, I am not sure.

    I was thinking that she was a college student on a short hike, not thru. I am probably wrong.
