Monday, May 23, 2016

Sat., May 21, 2016, Day 39, Lick Creek, 18.1 miles, 7 hours 40 minutes, 2.36 mph, 561.9 hiked / 1,606.1 to go.

Look at what I ran into on the trail today!
Wow, a quarter of the way. I know I have a long way to go, but I feel good about making it this far.
New trail names: Motrin. Topo. Hops. Uncle.
Joules. (Lady). She is hiking the AT for a second time. She has also hiked the PCT, Pacific Crest Trail. She is German and very interesting. She lives in Northern California off the grid as she describes it. Self maintaining with her husband and three children. Even grows their own grains. She is 63 years old. I beat her out for the candy bar at the baptist hiker feed in Troutdale (see a couple days earlier). She camped at lick Creek when I did. I also saw her in Bland. She is having a tough time with her feet. She uses sandals to hike. She was having some problems. She let a shoes sale man talk her into using some shoes. She really had problems the with blisters and a stress fracture. She is back to sandals. She is in a lot of pain.
Sunshine. Moonshine. Two young ladies. From Boston. Graduated from college. Camped at Lick Creek and Laurel Creek when I did. Both have graduated from college. One is going to try and go to medical school. At Lick Creek I got there before the rain started. The other two groups didn't. I was lucky. I offered to help them, but they turned me down.
Close to home.
Lick Creek. Soaked my feet. Felt so good!
I am in my tent and loving it as it is raining. I do hope it stops before I have to take it down in the morning. It is neat to sleep in a tent when it is raining on it. Very cozy.
Body is a funny thing. A couple days ago at the baptist feed when I went to sleep my right knee hurt. In the middle of the night I woke up and my left knee hurt. When I woke in the morning, neither knee hurt. Lucky me.

1 comment:

  1. Great stories Dad. I look forward to sharing the story about your shoulder with the kids tonight - thanks for sharing.

    How are the temps/humidity? Hope it is still nice!
