Monday, May 23, 2016

Wed., May 18, 2016, Day 36, Dickey Gap, VA 650, 18.1 miles, 7 hours 15 minutes, 2.5 mph, 518.3 hiked / 1,649.7 to go.

My friend, Mark, told me I needed to make notes during the day of what to put in my blog. I told him it slowed me down to stop and write. My daughter, Cambria, taught me how to use notes on my phone with the mike. I figured I could walk and talk. I noted all of the trail names I heard today. I think it is going to work well.
New trail names: Rumble Junk, Thor, Athena (fiancé of Thor), Food Bag (said he eats a lot), Wrong Way, Payday, Bare Foot, marsh mellow, blue, and marmalade. You are immediately accepted as a close friend. It is neat.
The morning started great. Randy drove me up to Massey Gap / Grayson Highlands State Park which is 500.1 miles on the trail. That is where I ended on the trail.
I was full of hope with my new shoes. I am very happy to say they are great, so far. I will make the final judgement in a week. My middle toes on my left foot felt normal, no pain. When I was home and wore other shoes with smaller toe boxes I would feel those toes. I explained it as cauliflower toes, like a boxer would have a cauliflower ear. I didn't get any blisters today, as far as I could see. I expected some. The bottom of my feet started to feel sore after 3 1/2 hours. I expected this. They got more sore, but no worse than I expected. I was very happy with my new shoes after hiking18 miles, and over 7 hours.
With the leaves out, it is much prettier.
Most of the day the weather was great. I was trying to get to my camp sight before it started to rain. I didn't make it. About 30 minutes before getting to Dickey's camp sight it started to rain. I decided to push on and not take time to put on my rain equipment. I figured it wouldn't rain that hard. I was wrong. By the time I got to the camp I was soaking wet. I was also hoping my backpack was water proof as they advertised. When I got there a young man was telling everyone about a hostel down the road in Troutdale, VA. The baptist church puts this event on once a year 3 days after Trails Days in Damascus. Trails days in Damascus is a big event. I got there 2 days after it. I was glad I missed the crowds.😉 I was lucking to be here at the right time. They had hamburgers, hot dogs, many side dish, many deserts, and even ice cream. Just like a ward dinner. There were over 60 hikers there. I am sleeping under their pavilion where they fed us. I also got a shower and put on dry clothes. Some times life is perfect. This was one of those times.
Here is the BIG ITEM. They asked some different qualifications and gave a snicker bar for who won. I won one of the categories! Guess which one? It wasn't who was the furthest from home. There was a girl who was from New Zealand. I won the oldest! The next oldest was 63. The person who was 63 is hiking the AT a second time. It was a woman and hiking by herself. Joules was her name. I met up with her later. I will tell you more about her.
After dinner Ken, the pastor spoke to us for about 1/2 an hour. Spoke about finding Christ. He used some different terms like the voice of creation rather than the Spirit of Christ. He did a good job. I talked to him and told him I enjoyed his words, he appreciated me saying that. Later down the trail several people I talked with didn't appreciate his sermon. Come on, what do expect?😐 All the food you can eat, a place out of the rain to sleep. Of course you are going to get a sermon. Take it, and listen.
Rainbow at the baptist feed.
Over 60 hikers. Great place to get out of the rain and get feed.
Baptist church in Troutdale, VA
It is great to be back. I am meeting new people. I am sure I will start to camping with some of them.

1 comment:

  1. Your daughter taught you about taking notes and using your "Mike"??? I don't think so. We were in the car sitting outside of Nathan's after seeing my dad.
