Thursday, May 26, 2016

Tue., May 24, 2016, Day 42, campsite near Dismal Creek, 20.6 miles, 9 hours 5 minutes, 2.26 mph, 610.5 / 1,557.5 to go.

Found something on the trail that was exciting.
600 hundred miles hiked from Stringer Mountain, the start of the AT!
It is day 42. That is keeping to 100 miles a week. I would like to do a little better. Say about 115 per week. Trying to do near zero days, and not full zero days will help increase my weekly distance.
New trail names: Hazel Nut. Slice. Brother Blood.
I have noticed that there are many women on the trail. Most hiking by themselves. It surprise me a little, but I know it shouldn't. Just like the men they range from college age to their sixties.
Nice Sunny Day
Crossing Dismal Creek
The weather was nicer, no rain. It is still cool enough that when I go down hill I do not sweat. I can feel that the hot humid weather is right around the corner.
Today I saw hundreds of small caterpillars. Many were hanging down on silk lines. I was running into them all day. Kind of yucky. In a couple weeks I might see hundred of butterflies.
Here are some of the animals I am seeing.
Caterpillar, about 2" long
One hanging right in my face.
How about a green one?
Oops, a snake on the trail. About 1 1/2 foot long. Pretty small.
These are all over. Most are just a reddish color. This guy is more colorful.
More common color.

1 comment:

  1. Cool bugs. Maybe Jocelyn can do another report on "Bugs in Virginia"?
