Friday, May 17, 2019

Fri., May 3, 2019. Day 25/81. Stealth Camping on trail. 39.8385N77.5050W. 17.7 miles. 8 hrs, 20 mins. 2.1 mph. 1,078.6 / 1,1113.4 to go.

A good day of hiking. First I passed the Mason Dixon line. In this area this is a big event, line. I do not know why. If you ever wonder if people still honor the South, the answer is a very strong yes. I will let you figure out the significance to the line. Second that same line is the Maryland and Pennsylvania border. In three days I walked through the state of Maryland, any way that part that the AT traverses. 

I also had my first trail magic. See the picture below. It was wonderful. There are many people that leave treats for hikers that come along. I had a candy bar and chips. Very good. THANK YOU TRAIL ANGELS.

There was to be a thunderstorm at 1 to 2 pm. My goal was to make it to the Tumble Run Shelter by 2 pm. I made it at 1:25 pm. People told me warning was moved back till 5 pm. I decided to hike till 4:30 and then set up camp. I had to carry my water. I carried an extra 1 gallon and 1 quart. That is about an extra 8 pounds. Right from the shelter there was a steep climb. I did okay. The big win is tomorrow. I am cutting down longer legs as I move to my hotel on the 6th.

As far as the thunderstorms it started at 7:15 pm. I had some light showers, but that was all. The interesting thing is that I can hear the thunderstorm to the south of me. It is suppose to pass through and be dry in the morning. I hope so.

There were two different groups that were hiking to the next shelter that passed me. I could have done that, and got there at about 6:30 pm. Tonight will tell if I made the right decision. It is fun and scary to hear the thunder so close. I might get lucky and it will pass to the south, but I do not expect that.

Good hike today, even though there were some tough areas. Good weather. Sunny.
I sucked in 3 bugs while breathing hard while climbing a steep hill. Spit them out, I hope. Sucking in bugs isn’t fun. I have to start breathing harder with my mouth closed. Not sure I can do that.

I got some more mosquito bites last night. So, I am itching again. The first thing I did when I arrived at camp was to spray on some Deet. Hope it helps.

I am liking my new hat. I have had several complements about it. One guy said that I knew I was always on the right trail because it has a white blaze in it. I took it off, turned it around, and said I hope I never get that loss of the trail that I have to look at my hat.

Well the thunderstorm really came. It started at 7:45 pm. I expect it to last about 45 minutes. I was wrong. Ended at 10:15 pm. My estimate wasn’t any good. My tent is doing good. I am dry and cozy typing on my iPad and reading the scriptures. There could be multiple storms, which could last most of the night. I am in a lower area and so far haven’t had any strong winds. There are trees all around me. I will report tomorrow how long the storm lasted, and if I had any problems. The last thunderstorm I was in with this tent I was on top of a mountain, in the open, and next to some radar and radio equipment. I was truly worried that time. Tonight no large concerns as long as my tent stays dry. So far so good. Good Night.😴.

PS. Next morning. The storm did as it was suppose to. It passed through during the night and all was dry in the morning. All is good.


1. Sign in a park in the city of Pen Mar, Maryland. Located very near the Mason Dixon Line.
2. Mason Dixon marker.
3. beautiful stream. Looked like a good fly fishing stream.
4. Trail Magic left where the trail crossed a highway. Thank you trail angles.

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