Sunday, May 19, 2019

Mon., May 6, 2019. Day 28/84. Holly Inn in Mount Holly Springs, PA. 40.0915N77.1681W. 3.3 miles. 1 hrs, 20 mins. 2.5 mph. 1,114.7 / 1077.3 to go.

My plan worked. This last week I figured my mileage so I would be at a shelter only about 4 miles from the town I would stay in. That way I would have more time to get all of my off the trail day items done. Here Is a list in case you are interest. Laundry, blog (takes a lot of time finishing and uploading), phone calls, planning future route for food mailings, buying supplies, equipment repair and purchase, drying equipment from rain (big job), repacking, catching up on emails and texts, and a little R&R. Oh, also eating some real food and sleeping in a real bed. 

Often I would like to stop, but don’t do it because of the logistics of a town not being convenient.

The sun was out and I got everything dried in a quick time. My tent was completely wet. It took the most effort.

My backpack is getting a hole in it where the internal frame hits the bottom. When I am home I am going to have to somehow sew over a heavy material patch. I am concerned that the frame will poke out and then the pack will not stay upright. Could be a major problem.


1. Only one poor picture of the inside of a shelter. Note there are only 3 walls. I am taking the picture in the morning as people are getting ready to go. I am taking it from above in my bed.

I should have taken one of the Holly Inn in Mount Holly Springs, PA. It is a quaint town.

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