Thursday, April 14, 2016

Mon. Apr. 11, Day 32, Abingdon Gap Shelter, 18.8 miles, 7 hours 35 minutes, 2.47 mph, 458.6 hiked / 1709.4 to go.

An eventful night in the shelter. It slept 6. I was the third one there. Everyone was new to me. I am afraid that many hikers are not your most up standing citizens.
Here are some of the hikers: Gadget, Alleged, Spear (very experienced and had served in army. Very helpful to all), Laze (young lady), Tender foot - Laze's boy friend, 3 jack.
To start off 3 jack who was next to me split his water bladder on the sleeping area and hit my sleeping bag. It was an accident. Spear had filled it for him, and not sealed it. 3 Jack didn't realize that and laid it down. Luckily everyone jumped into action and moved all of my stuff out of the way. Only the bottom of the bag, which holds my pad, got wet. I was able to hang it up and it was dray in 1/2 hour. that was several hours before bed. I count that as a blessing.
Gadget and Alleged had got McDonald hamburgers from Connie, Gadget's girl friend. They carried them up from the last Gap where she dropped them off. They gave me one. It was so good. Love that trail magic.
After dinner someone passed around a pipe with marijuana. It was offered to me, of course I just said no thanks. Everyone is easy going and being friendly. They don't get upset when you say no. 3 Jack is older like me, and he also didn't partake.
It was forecasted to rain tonight, and tomorrow. A shelter makes it easier because you do not have to pack your tent in the rain. It rained as forecasted.
Some parts are well maintained. Different volunteer area.
Through someone's field.
Over a fence.

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