Thursday, April 14, 2016

Thu. Apr. 14, Day 35, Damascus back, 10.1 miles, 4 hours 12 minutes, 2.40 mph, 500.1 hiked /. 1,667.9 to go.

The last shelter I stayed at was Saunders Shelter.
Sunrise from shelter
Aledge and Gadget. Gave me a McDonalds hamburger a couple days before.
Saunders Shelter
My Last Day
Another stream to cross
D squared. I have camped and hiked with him for the past week. He is very interesting and had done a lot of traveling. He is 67 years old. Has been very successful. He has 4 daughters, and a couple grandchildren
My last day on the trail. It was great hiking. My feet even felt good. 10.1 miles was easy after 21+ from the day before. I got in town at about 11:15. I had a great breakfast at Mojos.
Lot of feelings about finishing up 500 miles. I did it in 35 days including zero days. See summary for numbers.
I hiked next to the Virginia Creeper for part of the time. The VA creeper is a bike path that has been made from an old railroad line. It is a tourist traction. You can ride the whole thing which is like 60 miles long, or get shuttled to the top and ride down. I think I would like the shuttle. I have climbed up enough.:-).
Virginia Creeper Trail.


  1. Congrats on the first 500! Thanks for sharing all the details.

  2. Good job dad, I hope you find some good boots before you head out again :) maybe you should buy some new ones at 250 miles next time. Just a thought.
