Friday, April 8, 2016

Thru. Apr. 7, Day 28, Mountain Harbour B & B, 9.6 miles, 3 hours 55 minutes, 2.46 mph, 393.1 / 1,774.9 to go.

Last night I stayed in the barn. It was very windy and it rained. The hike today over Hump Mountain was the hardest hike for me of this trip. It wasn't the steepest, or longest, but it was the windiest and coldest. It was miserable. The wind was way over 50 mph. It would blow me off the trail, and almost over. It took almost 2 hours to climb. The mountain didn't have any trees, but only grass. So, no protections. See pictures. Ooh, when it is cold my nose just runs. I just let it because I do not want to get a rash on it by rubbing it. As I said earlier, I need my kids here so they could pull me up the mountain.

Killer hike ahead. Very tough, but I made it
Very cold
Rime icing
Yuk!! Papa's nose just kept running in the cold and wind. Tough, or crazy? I miss my kids.
The Mountain Harbour B & B is wonderful. I am sharing a room with Noah. I met him last night at the Overmountain Shelter. We arrived at the same time and decided to share. It is very nice. Mary who owns it is charming. Her husband passed away last Thursday. They had pictures and flowers still up. Her two sons are here helping. I had a great shower and soaked in the bath. I might so it again tonight. We are suppose to get snow tonight, so it will be nice to be inside.
Say hi to Rose
Mom would love this place
We got a ride down to the city, Roan Mountain, and had bar-B-Que. Pretty good.
At 9 p.m. The power went out. No more blog. The pictures do not seem to load without the internet. I went to bed at 2130. Hopefully it will working in the morning and I can finish my blog and get them uploaded. Power came on about 2230. I got up at 0530 and finished these blogs.
Hope you enjoyed them and the pictures. All is going well, except maybe my feet, and they will survive and get better. Love you all.


  1. Dad, that picture is gross! I'll make sure to share with the kids.

  2. I can't imagine being out in that wind, how miserable!!! The winds we have our here get to 50 mph gusts, but I am not hiking in that. Did you take a bandana to tie around your face for wind protection? Hopefully you don't freeze.

  3. I can't imagine being out in that wind, how miserable!!! The winds we have our here get to 50 mph gusts, but I am not hiking in that. Did you take a bandana to tie around your face for wind protection? Hopefully you don't freeze.

  4. JC and Riley liked your snot-cicle. They both said, "cool."
