Thursday, April 7, 2016

Sat. Apr. 2, Day 23, Bald Mountain Shelter, 18.9 miles, 9:15 hours, 2.03 mph, 325.3 hiked / 1,842.7 to go.


Seed blaze ahead
Bald Mountain. My destination today.
On top of Bald Mountain. Very - Very windy. Had to hold on to my hat.
From Bald Mountain
I got some trail magic at Sam's Gap, where we crossed under Interstate 26. A gentleman cooked us eggs and had hash browns. I also ate half of a large orange. This trail magic is great.
I met Ghost Walker on then trail. See his picture in Erwin.
A miserable night at the shelter at Bald Mountain. I stayed warm and slept okay, but it was very windy, and cold. Wind 50 mph plus. Temperature below 20 degrees F. A hiker had a thermometer that bottomed out at 20 and it hit that.
My right thumb got frost bite. It is 4-7 when I am writing this and it is still numb. It also has cracked at the thumb nail. I guess there is a cost to have so much fun. :-).
Here are some other hikers. Sorry, no pictures. Need to do better.
Illusive. Great nice guy. Very happy, probably about 25-30. Wish I had a picture. He has his beard braided.
Mambo. Young lady. Hiking very fast. Walnut likes her and was trying to catch her a couple days later when I saw him.
Walnut. He is a young guy. He has this big walking stick. Sorry no picture. He got it from his back yard. It has 3 branches off the main stock. He has it finished. It weighs 4 pounds. He got sick during the night at Bald Mojuntain Shelter. We left him there. He had phone reception, so Ghost Walker took his number to call him once we got to Erwin. When I saw him he said it passed and he started hiking that afternoon.

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