Friday, April 8, 2016

Wed. Apr. 6, Day 27, Overmountain Shelter or the barn, 16.3 miles, 8 hours 20 minutes, 1.96 mph, 383.5 hiked / 1,784.5 to go.

Last night, at the tent sight, was another cold night. I woke up shivering and needing to use the bathroom. Twice I had to get up. Coldddd. When I got back in my sleeping bag after the first trip out I figured I had been stretched out to much and that was why I got cold. I bundled up into a ball. I quickly got warm and fell asleep. I wore my gloves to bed for the first time. They helped. Great gloves.
Hiking went well today. My feet did much better with me cutting of the draw system and just tying them like regular shoe strings.
I climbed over a mountain where there use to be a resort. Nothing there now except a parking lot, drinking fountain that doesn't work, and a plaque. Strange.
After passing the old resort location I came upon a fire place in the trail. There was no foundation, or area to have had a home. I immediately realized it was a moment from the witch, lion, and wardrobe. Instead of a lamp posted that had been put in the Forrest, it was a fireplace.
Fireplace in the Forrest from the "Witch, Lion, and Wardrobe"
Tonight I am staying at the number one shelter. It is a barn that has been made into a shelter. It is nice. It is very windy and promises to be another below freezing night. Maybe even some snow. We did get a heavy rain which warmed it up.
The shelter get's it's name, Overmountain, from the pass it is in. During the revolutionary war a group of US soldiers went over this pass, attacked a British force, and defeated them. It was a significant victory for our new country.
Over mountain Shelter
There were some trail angels with trail magic at Craver Gap. I stopped and had a sandwich and banana nut bread. The bread was great.
Trail Angels with trail magic
In Tennessee, but looking at N. C. Getting close to leaving both states and go into Virginia
I am hoping I am getting my boot and feet problems figured out. The true answer will be with new shoes and a wider toe box.
Beuatiful scenery


  1. Dad, the child sounds miserable... I don't know if I could handle it haha.

  2. Dad, the child sounds miserable... I don't know if I could handle it haha.
