Friday, April 8, 2016

Summary - Mar. 31- Apr. 7, 2016, Allen Gap to US 19E, Mountain Harbour B & B, 393.1 hiked / 1,774.9 to go.

Weight. A couple weeks ago Nathan asked me if I was having to start to tighten my belt. At that time I told him I hadn't noticed. Now I am noticing. I ran across a weight scale today. I shows me at 176 pounds. I didn't record what I started at, but I would have been close to 183. My stomach still looks the same, but I am tighting my scout belt to keep my pants up. I just finished a pint of Ben and Jerrys Ice Cream. So, I am trying to get in extra calories. With hiking 15 plus miles a day it doesn't surprise me burning off some weight.
Boots. I am worried about my boots. Some people told me the boots only last about 500 miles. I didn't really believe it, but now starting to wonder about my boots. My left one has just got a hole in the top material right above the joint of my big toe. That happened on Sunday. Of course you already know about the leak in my right boot. My toes on my left boot are having the problems. Not sure that is boot related. And finally my right ankle on the inside and outside of where the top of the boot hits is having a lot of pain. Not blister type, but pressure. Some of the trails are very slanted, like 40 degrees, which puts a lot of pressure sideways on your boot and foot. My question is why only the right foot, and not the left. My intent is to use these boots till I come home then buy some low cut wide toe box hiking shoes, or trail runners. Hoped these make it. See Apr. 05-206 for drastic measures I took.
Trail Magic. There is a tradition for a non thru hiker to give something to support thru hikers. There have been many people who will be at a gap with food and drink for us. At first I just said no, or took a candy bar because I wanted to keep hiking. Now I join in. The first time I took some, don't remember where, he was giving out hot dogs. Sure hit the spot. Many of these Trail Angels as they are called are previous thru hikers. They are great to feed, drink, and encourage us. March and April are when the thru hikers are coming through this area so they know to set up now. There are a lot of us out here. Remember 75% don't make it.


  1. Dad, I just texted you about taxes...when you get reception please let me know what you need me to do.


  2. On average, how many people do you see each day? Are they usually the same people since you're all hiking the same direction?

  3. Monty, Sorry I have not been following you. This is amazing. I am very proud of you and are a great example to all of us OLD Guys. You were one of the reasons I got into backpacking. Keep up the good work.
    -Keith S
