Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Friday, Mar. 11, Devil Kitchen & Justin Creek, Day 1, 15.5 miles today, 6:551 hours now today, 14.5 hiked / 2171.5 to go, 2.38 mph.

A great first day. My driver, Marty _______________, phone #, address, who was a former Delta Pilot didn't charge me. He said it was non rev. I felt bad about it, but accepted it. I got on the trail at 9:39 am. Better than I thought I would.
To start at Springer you have to hike 1 mile backwards from the parking lot. You then sign the register, take some pictures and get going. There were a lot of people there. Fortunately, once you got on the trail you didn't see many. They didn't have the people numbered who were thru hikers. I would have liked to see what number I was. Lee Welch had told me they did.
I felt great about the day. No Chaffine, thanks Desidine. No blisters, thanks 2 pair of socks. No cramps or hurting joints.
I was exhausted though. I had breakfast, but didn't eat for the first 8 miles. All of a sudden I had no energy. I started eating my GORP and then lunch. My energy came back and I got a second wind. Lesson learned. I have to eat, even if I am not hungry. Food is fuel, period.
I hiked 15.5 miles today. I was planning on doing only 11. I had to go further so I could get to some water. Justin Creek is a good size creek and the camp ground is nice. There were leveled tents spots, very nice. Three other campers are here. All are single hikers. There is Savage. She is a young lady. I would say about 25. There is John, he didn't give me his trail name. Then there was Book Smart.
It is good weather. I rinsed out all of my clothes and left them bon a clothes line. They didn't dry, I am remembering about the humidity back here. I had to I put them on damp. That was okay, they felt cleaner.
Couple notes. 1. The great ground cloth already ripped. Will have to be careful and have the other sheet sent out. I guess the lesson is if it is to good to be true, It probably isn't. 2. The towels are not absorbent. They are light though. Will have to decide to keep, or add more weight. 3. Cambria, tell Lynlee I missed her help in setting up the tent. It isn't an easy tent to set up. Maybe after 20 times it will get easier. It will get tested in a couple days. On Sunday it is 100% chance of rain.
Just at Dusk I saw a black Salamander. I knew it was a Salamader because of a report Seth did and I helped. I think we even used a picture of this guy. What do you think Seth?
It is 2030 and I am tired. I managed to get my food cooked and eaten just before dark. I did hang my bear bag. You can be proud of me for that. Not sure how long I will keep that up. Savage hung hers up with mine.
Good night.

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