Friday, March 25, 2016

Thursday, Mar. 17, Day 7, Rock Gap shelter, 18.1 miles, 7:35 hours, 2.38 mph, 106.0 hiked / 2,062 to go.

Accomplishment today. Passed the first 100 miles. 1,000 would be better, but I am happy to start with 100.:-).
We had the toughest climb yet. It almost took the use of hands to do it. In a couple places I did use my hands. At the top was the Albert Mountain Forest Service Fire tower. It was not occupied. Beautiful.
Except for that the trail was very reasonable. I made good time and got my 18.1 miles done by 1650. I enjoyed the extra time. I stayed at a shelter for the first time. There were about 15 people there. They were all nice, but I think to many for me. The shelter was what I expected. I will stay at them if it works out, but will stay some where else if possible. A lot of social activity that isn't important to me.

1 comment:

  1. I read that the first part of the APT is a feet and HANDS climb and people end up with very sore hands. It sounds like Maine may be similar.
