Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Sun. Mar. 27, Day 17, Davenport Port Gap Shelter, 14.8 miles, 6:05 hours, 2.43 mph, 237.0 hiked / 1,931.0 to go.

Tougher day today. More and steeper climbs. I made good time and was the first person at the shelter. I had time to change clothes and relax. I got there at 1520. It was nice to have the extra time. Here ar my clothes drying after sweating in them all day. (Yes, I have some other clothes on. :-)).
Left timber Forrest, back to a no leaves deciduous trees forrest.
I am meeting a lot of interesting people. One of them told me I should write about them. Here it goes.
Napster. He is from Southern Germany.
Spielberg. He is Virginia. He is doing a you tube of his hike. His you tube link is craig'sappalachiantrailthruhike2016. Check it out.
Doctor G. Spent one night with him at Davenport Shelter. It is the last shelter in Smokey National park.
Many miles. Spent one night with him at Davenport Shelter. It is the last shelter in Smokey National park. He is hiking with Doctor G.
Amy. Young lady I crossed several times on the trail.
Iron Will. A young lady that I saw at Davenport shelter. She got there after dark and chose to sleep outside in her tent rather than the shelter. She has served in the Peace Corp and lived on four different continents.
Jessy & Tulip. Tulip is a pit bull dog. White and cream color. Very friendly. Dogs are not allowed in the Smokey National Park. They had to hike around it. They are hiking with Iron Will, who met up with them after the park.
I have also met a red. Called that because of his red hair. His hiking buddy took on the name of blue to make it easy.
D squared lives with in the area and also Idaho.
Billtie. He met up with D squared the first day on the trail and are now hiking together. He is from Australia.

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