Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Mon. Mar. 28, Day 18, Roaring Fork Shelter, 18.7 miles, 8:55 hours, 2.10 mph, 255.7 hiked / 1,912.3 to go.

Tyler, do you remember the hike in the Saw Tooths when we stopped to fish and a rodent chewed through an outside pocket on your pack and into you GORP? Guess what. It happened to me. Here is the story.
In the shelters everyone hangs up their packs so mice will not get to them. We also hang up our food in separate bags so bears and mice do not get to them. I had my pack hung up. I had forgotten and left a zip lock bag of trail mix in a mesh pocket on my pack belt. The trail mix was an oriental spicy mix. I had added some salted nuts. During the night I had heard a mouse running around overhead. Twice, I turned on my light, but couldn't see it. The next day when hiking I pulled out my trail mix to eat. I noticed there were no nuts in it. I figured I had forgotten to mix nuts in that package. Only, after I had eaten all of the mix did I notice a hole in the plastic. I immediately thought of a mouse and thought it would have had to eaten through my pocket. Sure enough. Here is a picture. I hope I don't get sick from mouse whatever.
Left Grand Smokey National Park. It is a beautiful park. Hiking on the ridge line was very inspiring, though tough. I could see coming back here with Linda to enjoy it.
ACCOMPLISHMENT: My app, Guthook's AT trail comes in 9 sections for the different maps. I have finished the first section which ends at Standing bear farm.
ACCOMPLISHMENT: I crossed my first freeway. I have been wondering why I haven't had to cross one. It was I-40.
We are at lower elevation and I am seeding some leaves popping out. Here are some buds.
Look at what I found at the top of a tough climb! My guess is it's name is the Smokey VOR since it is just north of the park. It seemed to still be operating as it was buzzing. With GPS used now the VORs are becoming antiquated.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I remember the mice eating my food. It was happened on a couple camping trips for me. Not as bad as the skunks who sprayed our food box or the marmot that took chunks of foam out of the fishing pole. Hope mice are all you have encounters with.

    Have you seen any wild game? Deer, turkey, bear, etc.
