Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Wed. Mar. 30, Dayn 20, Zero Day, Hot Springs, N.C.

Good to get some rest. Need to recover from hurting ankle and sore left knee. Took some Aleve tonight. That seemed to help.
It is interesting that there is no t-mobile, AT&T, and very little Verizon coverage here. The hotels do not have wi-if. I am in a hotel room next to the public library so I can use their wi-if. I have to stand next to the window to make it work. I didn't know there was somewhere in the US that didn't have phone coverage. People very friendly.
Not as many pains in Hot Springs as in Gatlinburg. That is good . I still have pains, but not as bad as Gatlinburg. I do now have a pressure point on my right inside ankle where the top of my boot hits. Started hurting yesterday. Very painful today, 29th. Hopefully will pass. I am going to tape a piece of cotton over it.
Very busy day, and didn't get it all done. Though hiking the AT I still have life to manage. Many of the other hikes seem to just relax with nothing else to do. Time to go to dinner, and then come back to organize food and pack for tomorrow.

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