Friday, March 25, 2016

Wednesday, Mar. 16, Day 6, Standing Indian Mountain, 18.3 miles, 9 hours, 2.03 mph, 87.9 hiked / 2080.1 to go, GA. / N.C. border.

Great accomplishment today. I crossed from George into North Carolina. That is one state down out of 14.
I was surprised when I crossed the state border. I thought that would happen in a couple more days. As I was approaching the border a couple hikers commented you are almost to the North Carolina border. I still thought they were meaning in a day or so. As I came to the marker there were some hikers cheering. I don't think they were thru hikers. They were college age. They were doing a happy dance. It wasn't much of a sign. I would have probably missed it if they weren't there.
Once we got into N.C. I was curious if the trail would change. Within a mile we had a killer of a steep climb. I thought I was doing good, until then. In NC they do not seem to climb to the top of every mountain. Thank goodness. There are also more gradual climbs and descents. I can keep up that pace.
Standing Indian Mountain was a great camping spot. It was at 5,487' elevation. 1.000' higher than Blood Mountain in GA., the highest point in GA on the AT. There was one other couple there. It use to have a Forrest Service fire look out tower. The view was wonderful.
It was colder and my extra warm, extra light, and extra expensive sleeping bag didn't keep me warm. I had to put on my jacket. This is a great jacket. Thanks Bill Prowse for telling me about it. Very light, and yet very warm. One of my better buys.
Doing okay. Feeling very good. My right back heel hurts, but I think a callus has to form, then I will be okay.

1 comment:

  1. You need Maverick to hike with you. You know how he likes to climb in the sleeping bags to stay warm.
