Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Sunday, Mar. 13, Rocky Mountain, Day 3, 22.6 miles, 11:36 hours, 54.3 hiked / 2,113.7 to go, 1.93 mph. Heavy Rain.

We switched over to daylight savings last night. I started hiking as soon as it started to get light. That was 0754. I got dropped off at Neels Gap. It took me about 15 minutes to get my rain gear on. Then out in the heavy rain.
It wasn't bad hiking in the rain. I thought it would be.
I first found out that my right boot has a leak in the front right. Gradually my toes and right side of my foot got wet. I ended up getting a blister on the top of my smallest toe on my right foot. I think it was because it got wet.
As my children are always right, Tyler was right about taking an umbrella. I had a plastic cover for my hat and I didn't get wet from the rain. It was also windy. I would have been fighting the umbrella the entire time and it would have slowed me down. Thanks Tyler. Like he said: You don't need any stinking umbrella.
My rain gear worked, except it didn't breath as advertised. It advertised as the very most breathable rain gear. Still not very breathable. I ended up wet inside of it. Let me just say if your head was covered with it you would suffocate!
The rain stopped after about 2 1/2 hours. The rest of the day was nice.
About 1/2 hour into the hike my lower left back started hurting. I had the same pain the first day. It dawned on me that maybe I should stretch. With my backpack on I did my twisting stretch. It worked. The pain went away and didn't come back. One of my plans for the hike is to stretch every morning. I have a 15 minutes route with 30 seconds in each stretch position. The next morning I did it and felt much better as I started to hike.
The water wasn't at the camp. It was .8 miles before the camp. I had to fill up the water and carry it uphill. Of course part of the way up the plastics bucket collapsed loosing most of it's water. Fortunately, I had enough to get by and didn't have to go back. Many times the water isn't with the camp sights. Wish they were.
I got into camp a little before dark. I was able to put up my tent in the light, eat a power bar, hang my bear bag, and go to sleep. I was so tired after hiking 11 1/2 hours.
The next morning I ate my dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Of course you don't need a stinking umbrella. Once you're in VA and it is hot and muggy, you'll want one. By then you'll have ditched the PLB and have room (allowable weight) for the umbrella!

