Friday, March 25, 2016

Summary. Mar. 15 - Mar. 17, 2016. Dick's Creek Gap to Rock Gap, 106.2 hiked / 2061.8 to go.

Keith S. You would fit in back here. Most hikers use hiking poles. I swear it slows them down. Maybe not, just looks like it.
I am feeling much better this section versus the first. I am doing better hiking up hill, actually enjoying the gradual climbs. Feet getting to feel more normal. I except the feet to be sore every night of this hike. Hope I am wrong.
Skin dryness. Out west I always debated whether to take lotion because of the weight. I did take some for this trip, but haven't used it yet, and do not feel I will need to. Also not using much chap stick. I am guessing it is from the higher humidity. It has been cold so it hasn't bothered me. Summer will be miserable.

1 comment:

  1. Poles saved me from swaying off the trail and expending energy to get back in balance and it save your knees on the down hill. Keep up the good work my friend
