Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Saturday, Mar. 12, Neels Gap, Day 2, 17.3 miles, 8:06 hours, 31.7 hiked / 2154.3 to go, 2.14 mph.

Good weather and a good day of hiking. After talking to a couple, Bombadill and his wife, whose name starts with a G and is something like Gigigan, talked to me about going to Neels Gap. Sounded good. There was a store there. I also got thinking they might have rooms. Hey, this hiking isn't about camping! If I can get a hotel, sign me up. Still no blisters or any other problems.
Today I hiked over the highest point on the AT in Georgia, Blood Mountain. It is 4,441' high. Are you impressed? To give you an idea of that altitude it is about the same as our home in Utah. As I remember we are at 4,426 feet.
Shelter on Blood Mountain. There are shelters along the AT. Many hikers plan their hikes around staying at shelters.
Saw a family at Blood Mountain. A dad and four children. Three girls and one boy. Only two would take a picture with me. The oldest got excited with I told her my oldest grand daughter was 10. She said she was almost 10. Their dad has had them hiking since 3.
Here is the view from Blood Moutain. Still winter here. No leaves. Over the next coupe weeks they will start coming. It will be neat to watch the barren forests become lush.
At Neels gap they were full. They were able to arrange a ride into town, Blairsille, GA, and make a room reservation at the Sunset Inn. I had a great night, did laundry, and ate at the America Catch. Had the Haul, which had oysters, crawfish, cat fish, shrimp, and calamari. It was excellent. I was surprised it would be so good in a small town. I rushed and got to bed quick. Slept 9 hours and could have slept more. I think 10 hours a night is going to be the desired sleep, and it is a solid 10 hours.
Neels Gap trading post. Hair still short, still not thin, tired, and excited about spending a night in a hotel rather than the trail.
The next morning it was pouring rain when my ride picked me up at 7:00 am.

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