Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Mon., Apr. 8, 2019. Travel to trail head.

A lucky day for non revenueing. I thought I was going to have to fly through Detroit and wouldn’t get on the straight flight to Atlanta. I even asked the agent. She didn’t think I would get on. I was the last person to get on. I was standing at the door as they called for the missing passenger. He didn’t come so I got his seat. The Detroit flight left 10 minutes latter and was 5 gates away. I was listed on it and ready to get over to it. There were available seats on that flight.

In Atalanta I got on an earlier flight that was delayed. I felt lucky again. After sitting on the airplane for 45 minutes we were taken off and told because of the weather they couldn’t go. The weather minimums were to low. It had a 1 1/2 hour delay posted. I went to the flight I was listed on originally and found they were loading. I got on it and it left on schedule. It was a larger aircraft. I guess it was better equipped and didn’t have the higher weather minimum requirements the first crew and airplane did.

I made it to ROA where Dixon Low met me. We had a great evening catching up on past times. Dixon and I grew up together and lived on the same street 3 house apart. I spent the night at his home and he gave me a ride the next morning to my starting point.

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