Monday, April 15, 2019

Thur., April 11, 2019. Day 3/59. Tent sight. 37.9207N78.9706W 12.5 miles. 9 hrs, 5 mins. 1.4 mph. 846.4 / 1,345.6 to go.

Today was a much better day than yesterday. I still had to climb a mountain that was 2,992 ft higher than I when I started in the morning. It took me 4 hours 50 minutes. It was 6.2 miles. It was very hard. My left knee is still bothering me. I took 2 Advil. It worked for 6 hours then it was like someone turned off the switch. Next time I will take one at 6 hours and not 8 like the directions say.

This evening my knee isn’t to bad. Good camp sight. Not hungry. Ate lunch for dinner. Exhausted.

I had three people pass me headed north bound. They were about 6 hours apart. Mike and Keger started the same date.
Keger . Started Feb. 5th. Said he could take the weather easier than the bulge. I agree.
Chetta. Met Keger on the trail. He joined me at my tent/camp sight.
Mike. No trail name. Hiking with Keger. Sponsored by AARP.

Picture is from the mountains looking down into the valley eastward. No leaves yet.

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