Monday, April 15, 2019

Tue., April 9, 2019. Day 1/57. Seeley / Woodwoth Shelter. 37.8189N79.1547W. 14.0 miles. 8 hrs, 40 mins. 1.6 mph. 822.5 / 1,369.5 to go.

The First day. Not to many miles, but hard. In the first 3 miles I climbed 2,000 ft. I figured if I hiked the first 3 miles/2,000 ft. in 3 hours I would be okay. I did it in 2 1/2. Dixon Low hiked with me the first 1 1/2 hours. Dixon is a childhood friend. We lived a couple houses apart on Windsor drive. I enjoyed having him hike with me. I stayed at his house Monday night. He gave me a ride to the trail. 

It is always interesting whenever you start hiking the different pains you will have. Here are some I had today:  left knee, leg cramps, left heel. My shoes felt good even though they are 1/2 pounds heavier. Backpack worked well. Still to small in volume. I was the only one at the shelter. Different than three years ago When the shelters were over crowded. I am ahead of the bulge of through hikers. Very nice. 

The iPad doesn’t work very well with the blogger. Therefore, I will list my pictures and You will have to count down to see which title goes with which picture.
  1. Where I ended and started.
  2. Dixon Low next to one of thousand white AT Blazes.
  3. Me. I look so fresh and young. Just kidding about the young. 😥
  4. Dixon and me.
  5. First AT trail. I started at US 60. The hike is underway and I have finished climbed the first mountain. What a feeling.
  6. No leaves yet. At lower elevation they are on. I am enjoying going slow enough to notice as the buds come on, and then turn to leaves.

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